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The Lincolns make disciples in Gloucester, England.
Aaron and Morganne serve with the Church Catalyst team in Ethiopia.
Abigail will serve with Marketplace Ministry in Mexico City.
The Giles serve with the Church Catalyst team in Kenya.
Alec will serve with REACH in Turkana, Kenya summer 2025.
Alex serves with the Globalscope team in Salamanca, Spain.
Alli is preparing to join the campus ministry team in Nottingham, England.
Allison serves with Globalscope in Santiago, Chile.
Allyson will serve with REACH in Nairobi, Kenya.
Andrew and Bethany serve in campus ministry in Uruguay.
The Owens serve in campus ministry with Roots in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Andria serves on the CMF team at MOHI in child sponsorships.
Aniela serves as an intern with the Globalscope team in Puebla, Mexico.
Anna will serve with REACH in Australia.
Anna will serve with our church catalyst team in Ethiopia.
Arminda is serving with Globalscope in Valencia, Spain.
Ashlyn will serve with REACH in Southeast Asia.
Aubren will serve with REACH in Germany.
Austin will serve with REACH in Tanzania the summer of 2025.
Ava will serve with REACH in Mexico.
Aye serves with El Oasis, the Globalscope campus ministry team in Santiago, Chile.
Bailey will serve with REACH in England.
Becca shares the love of Christ as she cares and advocates for children with disabilities and their families.
BJ and Mary are serving with the Kenya Church Catalyst team.
Brandon and Kelsey serve with the campus ministry in Birmingham.
Brett serves with Globalscope in Edinburgh.
The Hausers serve an unreached people group in West Africa.
Bryony will serve with REACH in England in the summer of 2025.
Bryson will serve with REACH in Southeast Asia.
Canaan will serve with REACH in Mexico.
Casandra will serve with REACH in England.
Cascade serves with Globalscope in Australia.
Chandler and Madison are joining our team in Ethiopia.
Chandler will serve with REACH in England in summer 2025.
Christopher serves with Globalscope in Salamanca, Spain.
Claire serves with Globalscope in Nottingham.
Courtney serves with the Globalscope campus ministry team in Puebla, Mexico.
The Fowlers plant churches and run a clean water project in Ethiopia.
Daniela will serve with REACH in Brazil.
The Ossas serve in campus ministry in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The Fittros plant churches and train leaders in Birmingham, England.
David serves with our Globalscope campus ministry in Puebla, Mexico.
David serves on staff with the Globalscope team in Puebla, Mexico.
Dom serves with the Globalscope team in Birmingham, England.
Dylan is part of our Church Catalyst team in Ethiopia.
Help us purchase a campus house in Puebla!
Emery will serve with REACH in Thailand.
Emma serves with Globalscope in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Emma serves with Globalscope in Nottingham, England.
Emmerey will serve with REACH in Kenya summer 2025.
The Pitts serve the Turkana with water and farming projects.
Eric and Emily serve in campus ministry in Brisbane, Australia.
Garrett and Schyler serve with Globalscope in Mexico.
The Woods teach and mentor church planters in Tanzania.
The Mordens work to provide clean water & irrigation systems in Kenya.
Gigi is serving an an intern with the campus ministry in Puebla, Mexico.
This Marketplace Ministry family serves in an undisclosed location.
This family is involved in ministry in an undisclosed location.
This Marketplace Ministry person serves in an undisclosed location.
This Marketplace Ministry family serves in an undisclosed location.
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Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
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Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
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Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
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Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
Please automatically charge my future gifts on the following day:
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