BJ & Mary Leonard

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BJ and Mary are serving on CMF's Kenya Church Catalyst team. They spent their first year learning Swahili and learning about the multiple tribal cultures of Kenya. BJ is now involved in the ministry of Discipleship Making Movements, working in partnership with Community Christian Church, and teaching at Harvest Missionary College. Pastors and prospective missionaries attend HMC in order to be sent out to Kenya, other countries in Africa, and around the world as missionaries and pastors. Mary is involved in the ministry of teaching secondary English Language Learners at West Nairobi School and helping disciple makers and their families earn income through microbusinesses.

BJ and Mary brought 20 years of ministry experience to the mission field, serving in both the North American urban context and pastoral ministry within local churches. Mary was born and raised in Zambia as a missionary. As a missions pastor, BJ led 14 mission trips to Kenya and developed a thriving outreach in an urban neighborhood.

BJ and Mary have four children: Hannah (2011), twins Lydia and Mia (2013), and Dominic (2016).


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