Timothy & Tammy Aho

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Timothy and Tammy catalyze the formation of teams to make disciples and plant churches in Birmingham, England. With 31 years of cross-cultural ministry experience in England, the Ahos share in many opportunities for community transformation.

Companions for Hope is a missional community located in the diverse, inner-city community of Summerfield near the center of Birmingham. Asylum seekers, refugees, immigrants, and life-long residents are among those being engaged with the good news of the Kingdom.

The Ahos partnered with CMF teammates to establish an immersive, cross-cultural training experience called EQUIP Britain International. EQUIP provides a foundation for global workers to make disciples and engage people with the good news of the Kingdom with a focus on urban settings.

Our team provides online and in-person coaching and mentoring to leaders and churches sharing our passion for seeing new apprentices to Jesus added to the Kingdom. EQUIP has also partnered with ForMission College in Birmingham to launch a new MA in Missional Leadership, Discipleship and Movements for which Tim is taking the primary lead.

Disruption brought on by Covid19 led to an expansion of online forms of looking for people of peace, initiating and fostering evangelistic conversations, discipleship, missional community, and leadership development. One example is a discipleship community held online with occasional in-person meet ups. Another is a new social media strategy advertising on Facebook and Instagram with an online presence DiscovertheWay.

Over these many years, Tim and Tammy have accumulated experience in planting churches and missional communities, leading missional training, working with Eritrean and other ethnic churches, and building teams that disciple leaders and young adults to help catalyze disciple-making and new church plants.

Tim grew up in Minnesota and has loved ice hockey both as a player and referee. In 2011, he completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Seminary. Tammy has Oregon in her blood from birth, and currently enjoys crochet, and watching a good movie with Tim.

The Ahos are the parents of two children, Andrew and Jess (Gil), who were raised in England and now reside in the US.

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