Women Together

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Women Together seeks to empower young women by providing a safe space for asking questions and receiving counsel when faced with the cultural and social challenges of womanhood in Ivory Coast.

Women in this country face inequalities in school, in the labor market and in access to health care. It is ranked among the lowest countries in the world in gender equality indicators. On average, women are paid half of what men are paid and one in every three women between the ages of 15-19 have had at least one pregnancy. Access to resources and information on family planning is extremely deficient and leads to one of the highest fertility rates in the world. Maternal mortality rates are also 10 times higher than average middle-income countries.

In Women Together, a national midwife, a social worker and an accountant hold biweekly meetings for young women in the villages of Abengourou and Adoukoffikro. The teaching topics include sexuality, interpersonal relationships, communication and decision-making skills, the human body, puberty, reproductive health, female genital mutilation and advocating for sexual health, rights and gender equality.

Equality starts with equal opportunity and for many girls in Ivory Coast, school isn't an option for one week every month because they don't have the money to buy the necessary supplies during their menstrual cycles. For just $11, you can pay for supplies so a girl can go to school during her period for an entire year. More than 100 girls are in this program and we hope to be able to provide these services and other small hygiene products to them. Your donations to this project will cover these costs and the expenses of running the Women Together program every week.