The Globalscope campus ministry in Tübingen, Germany is called "Unterwegs", which translates to along the way or on the way. We want to come alongside university students and offer support and connection - to themselves, each other, the earth, and God. We offer a Christian community to university students in our town and for us that means everyone is welcome, no matter what students believe - we invite them to belong.
A lot of that happens over a meal in our house or in a small group or in one-on-one meetings with staff. Your support for the Globalscope Tübingen operational account is used to pay the campus house rent and utilities, for our weekly events, staff salaries, small group materials - and a lot of free coffee and tea. Thank you!
Donations to this fund are used where needed most.
Julia Kopp serves with the Globalscope campus ministry in Tübingen.
Katie serves with the Globalscope campus ministry in Tübingen, Germany.