Tanzania Community Sponsorship

Gift Amount

Giving Frequency

The gift will still show up in your account records, but the missionary won't know who gave it.

Come alongside our incredible Community Child Sponsorship program that helps provide education, nutrition, medical care and spiritual development to orphaned and impoverished Maasai children.

Make a monthly gift to:

- provide quality education opportunities, ensuring these children have a way to reach their dreams and aspirations

- connect with the children you sponsor through regular updates and praise reports

- make an impact for generations as you empower the marginalized for the glory of God

Please join us in praying for the 132 children in the program, the 12 pastors who provide spiritual leadership and program oversight, and the communities that will be transformed through the impact of your partnership.

For more information on this community sponsorship program in Tanzania, contact us at TZsponsorships@cmfi.org.