Help send Skye to Tanzania to explore future ministry opportunities with our team there!
CMF ministry in Tanzania is diverse, but the training of local church planters at the CMF training center in Arusha is the heartbeat of the work. The team focuses on equipping local leaders to plant churches in their own cultural context. Using a holistic approach, they train leaders to reach their own people so that God’s church can be firmly rooted and grow into a flourishing, life-transforming presence in Tanzania.
The Tanzanian worship ministry seeks to connect people to Christ through music. A band of passionate and talented young adults creates unique worship experiences for people of all generations to encounter Jesus in a uniquely Tanzanian way.
A community child sponsorship program helps provide education, nutrition, medical care, and spiritual development to orphaned and impoverished Maasai children. The team members also meet basic healthcare needs through Community Health Evangelism programs and care during difficult times.