Christopher Hylton serves with En Vivo, the Globalscope campus ministry team in Salamanca, Spain.
He previously served with Georgia Southern University’s Christian Campus Fellowship, as an exchange student in Spain with Globalscope in 2007, as an intern at Georgia Tech Christian Campus Fellowship from 2009-2010, and as part of the team at En Vivo from 2012-2015.
He is married to a Spaniard and has lived in Spain for twelve years, and his love for the culture and its people have continued to grow. After leaving En Vivo in 2015, he worked in various hospitality sectors and partnered with local companies to provide cross-cultural experiences, while also pursuing every ministry opportunity that God presented to him.
In 2020, Christopher rejoined the En Vivo team because “nothing compares to the joy of connecting Spanish students to a Christ centered community so that they come to know God.”
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Help the En Vivo team create community for college students.
Holli is serving with Globalscope in Salamanca.