Andrew and Bethany serve with the Globalscope campus ministry La Ruta in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Both Andrew and Bethany are graduates of Georgia Tech and were active in the Christian Campus Fellowship (CCF). Bethany earned a degree in international marketing and developed a passion for helping others sustainably on a global scale. Andrew earned a degree in mechanical engineering and completed a year of internship with CCF.
Bethany will use her skills in business, passion for international cultures and love for people to help create a student community like the one that has had such an impact on her life. Andrew’s educational career was filled with challenges, myriad experiences and deep friendships that have given him the faith and courage to continue to step into the promise of who God has made him to be. Both credit their involvement with CCF as encouraging their desire to use the skills, knowledge and experience they have acquired to help create a Christ-filled community for university students in Uruguay.
Donations to this fund are used where needed most.
Help the La Ruta team create community for college students.
The Ossas serve in campus ministry in Montevideo, Uruguay.