Kata Moya

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Kata serves with the El Oasis campus ministry in Santiago. She moved to the city to study graphic design in 2015 and became a part of El Oasis. The ministry and her church were very significant to her during her time as a student, serving as catalysts in her transformation from someone who knew about God to someone who decided to be in a relationship with Him.

The El Oasis community is a safe, diverse and open space where Kata was able to be herself and allowed her to experience her faith in a challenging and authentic way. For this reason, she decided to serve in the ministry and be part of a space where students can go with doubts, beliefs, humor, sorrows and music and be accepted. Kata has seen the impact this environment has had on the lives of students and in her own personal process of becoming empowered. She believes that the space allows students to discover their personal identities and purpose in this world in a meaningful way.