Cascade serves with the Garden campus ministry team in Brisbane, Australia. Her family is originally from Brisbane, even as she grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, and Cascade was excited to return to her roots in this way.
Cascade studied Chemical Engineering at Georgia Tech, and while there found deep community at a campus ministry, Christian Campus Fellowship (CCF). She experienced the love and grace of God through a group of people who welcomed her with open arms and didn’t require hard work in return for that love, letting Cascade experience the non-transactional love of God for the first time.
Cascade recently graduated with a master's degree at Emmanuel Christian Seminary to further prepare for the ministry. She is passionate about the deep need all people have for community and the transformation that comes when people experience the love of God. She is now putting these passions into practice in Australia and wherever life takes her.
Help The Garden team create community for college students.
Eric and Emily serve in campus ministry in Brisbane, Australia.
Mitchell serves with Globalscope in Brisbane.