June Johnson

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The gift will still show up in your account records, but the missionary won't know who gave it.

Update: June is currently in Germany, providing medical attention to Ukrainian refugee patients, many of whom she knew while in Ukraine. Donations will enable June to continue serving in Germany as long as she is needed, as well as providing for usual ministry needs & projects such as wound care supplies, transportation, and outreaches.

June works to equip national Christians who are actively pointing people to Christ. As a registered nurse and wound care specialist, she does this medically by teaching, providing humanitarian aid and limited leadership at two church clinics and one Christian rehabilitation center for spinal injuries. She lectures on wound and ostomy care at Christian medical conferences for medical students.

With the church in Kiev, where she lives, June works alongside the special needs ministry leaders, using her medical knowledge and other God-given skills. She does all this so she can share and show the love of Christ and encourage spiritual growth.