Hannah Rowe

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Hannah is a graduate of Auburn University in Social Work and an active member of Auburn Christian Fellowship. Hannah’s time in university was when she really developed her relationship with the Lord, grew in her faith, and made it her own. This is something that she loves about working in campus ministry: it gives students a chance and the freedom to build a relationship with Christ and truly make it what they want it to be.

Hannah is currently working at Auburn Christian Fellowship while raising support to work with the Globalscope campus ministry in Thailand. The team in Bangkok creates authentic community through campus outreach, Bible studies, and events such as free meals and board game nights at the campus house to lead students into a relationship with Christ.

Hannah first felt God’s call to international ministry in the Fall of 2023 while reading the book of Acts with one of her students. As she began praying for unreached people in the world, the words of Acts 1:7-8 guided her in what to do next. She kept the words that the Jesus spoke to the disciples before He ascended into heaven, and told herself that she would say “yes” to anything that the Lord would ask of her.