Courtney Wilson

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Courtney serves with the Globalscope campus ministry, El Pozo, in Puebla, Mexico where their mission is to love students, know Jesus and change the world. She found her passion for college ministry while being part of the Christ-centered community Christian Campus Fellowship (CCF) at Georgia Tech. After graduating with a degree in Science, Technology and Culture and working for a year at CCF, she moved to Mexico to join the team there in 2007. Since then, Courtney has dedicated her time to working with college students at la Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP) and other local universities. Courtney loves seeing students come to know Jesus in a life changing way through authentic community they find at El Pozo.

Courtney and her husband, Jow, were married in 2014. They have three kids: Victoria (2016), Dominic (2018), and Phoenix (2019).