Tyler & Shalynn Crawford

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Tyler and Shalynn serve as Church Catalyst team members in the university city of Tübingen, Germany.

Shalynn and Tyler met while studying at Georgia Tech through their involvement at Christian Campus Fellowship. Tyler moved to Tübingen in 2009 to help start the Unterwegs campus ministry. After the couple were married in October 2010, Shalynn joined the Unterwegs team in 2011. They are now parents to three children: Finn, Arlo and Lyra - all born in Tübingen.

In 2013, during their time at Unterwegs, the Crawfords formed a ministry partnership with the Kreuzkirche, a local church in Tübingen. The church supports the work of Unterwegs and, in 2020, invited the Crawfords to expand their work beyond university students and into multiple generations through a cooperative work between the Kreuzkirche and CMF Church Catalyst.

Tyler and Shalynn’s passion for personal connection and their heart for people outside the reach of the Church, together with their mutual love for sharing Jesus, make them uniquely gifted for the work of the local church in Tübingen.